Prague ebook: Unveiling the City’s Secrets

About wanted to expand their revenue by selling an ebook about Prague.






Challenges and goals:

The challenges were multifaceted: conducting market research to understand what potential buyers are looking for, SEO keyword research to optimize the ebook’s online presence, and integrating Woocommerce for ebook sales. The overarching goal was to create a product that would be both valuable to the customer and lucrative for

Our Solution

Competitive Benchmark

Conducted a comprehensive study to understand what competitors are offering and identify gaps.

SEO Keyword Research

Used SEO tools to identify high-ranking keywords relevant to Prague travel to optimize the ebook content.

Copywriting and Editorial Design

Created high-quality, engaging, and informative content complemented by an attractive design layout.

Woocommerce Configuration

Integrated and configured Woocommerce to handle ebook sales on the website.

Visibility Enhancements

Implemented a floating popup to promote the ebook effectively.

Impact & Results:

The project was a significant success. Not only did we meet our initial objectives, but the ebook also led to a significant increase in sales. The additional revenue stream from the ebook sales solidified’s financial sustainability and contributed to its overall business goals. The client was extremely satisfied with the outcome, praising both the quality of the ebook and its impact on their business.

The reasons why

When we were faced with the need to create an ebook for Prague, we didn’t hesitate, it had to live up to such a city. We worked on every detail, the structure, the content, the images, the shapes and how each element relates to the other. In conclusion, we achieved a unique piece that is not only highly useful, but also visually appealing.

See a bit more:

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