Takso: Financial Software Development for Real Estate Market Analysis

About Takso

Takso is a Spanish company with offices in Barcelona and Madrid, offering a variety of real estate services, including property valuations and real estate market analysis.







Challenges and goals:

Takso aimed to create a powerful financial software named Konklua to help real estate promoters in Spain automate their market research. The challenge? Managing vast amounts of data and complex calculations within a tight deadline of just a few months.


Brand Identity

We modernised the Takso logo and created a fresh, distinctive brand identity for Konklua.

UI/UX Design

To ensure ease of use, we designed an intuitive and user-friendly interface for Konklua. The screens we created covered the entire process of market analysis creation, customised report generation, and data analysis.

Web App Development

Our team developed the financial software, Konklua, to automate market analysis, handle large data volumes, and perform complex calculations.

Content Creation

We crafted engaging and informative content to resonate with the target audience, showcasing Takso’s expertise and the new application.

Web Development

We built a new WordPress website for Takso, optimised for conversions and lead generation, featuring a Calendly form for easy appointment scheduling.

SEO Strategy

To enhance visibility, we optimised the new WordPress website for search engines to attract more traffic.

Impact & Results:

Our creative and development efforts led to the successful launch of Konklua, significantly boosting the efficiency of market research for real estate promoters. Takso customers expressed gratitude for the premium quality of the software, the refreshed branding, and the user-friendly website, all delivered on time.

The reasons why

The design of the real estate web app prioritizes a clean and modern aesthetic, utilizing a predominantly white background with accents of yellow and black to guide user attention. The layout is highly organized, with a left-side navigation bar featuring easily recognizable icons and text labels, ensuring intuitive navigation. Key information, such as user profiles and property details, is presented prominently, leveraging ample whitespace to enhance readability and reduce cognitive load. The use of a light gray background for content sections subtly distinguishes them from the navigation and header areas, providing a visual hierarchy that aids in user orientation.

Overall, the design decisions reflect a focus on clarity, ease of use, and a professional appearance, suitable for a real estate platform that aims to deliver detailed property and market information to its users.

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