AI My Life: Intelligent Coaching for Holistic Wellness

About AI My life

AI My Life is an innovative application designed to improve various aspects of daily life. From managing stress and boosting motivation to enhancing productivity and building confidence, it leverages advanced AI technologies to provide customised content for each user.






2023 – 2024

Challenges and goals:

We were tasked with developing an intelligent mobile app that delivers highly relevant content to users. This required implementing sophisticated machine learning algorithms and AI configurations to ensure a rich and engaging user experience.


Brand Identity

We developed a consistent brand image, including social media banners, icons, and app store presentations.

UI/UX Design

We focused on a user-centred design, ensuring the app is both visually appealing and easy to navigate.

Mobile App Development

We created a hybrid app for iOS and Android, focusing on a smooth and intuitive user experience.

AI Integration

We integrated OpenAI and ChatGPT APIs to offer personalised life coaching, adapting content to each user’s needs.

Impact & Results:

Our development and design strategies have made AI My Life a popular platform for personal growth. Users appreciate its intelligent and user-friendly design, and the client is very satisfied with the results.

The reasons why

When designing the app, several key decisions were made to enhance user experience and functionality. A vibrant, modern color palette with a dominant green hue was chosen to create a fresh and calming interface, aligning with the app’s focus on wellness and healthy living.

The layout is minimalistic, ensuring easy navigation. The use of ample white space helps in reducing cognitive load, making it easier for users to interact with the app. Important elements, such as the meditation section and meal recommendations, are prominently displayed.

Intuitive icons and buttons are strategically placed for quick access to various functions. The navigation bar at the bottom allows users to effortlessly switch between different sections.

These design choices collectively aim to create an intuitive, engaging, and user-friendly AI app focused on promoting wellness and healthy living.

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