CoolPet: Premium Dog and Cat Food for a Healthy and Happy Life

About Coolpet

CoolPet is a French company that offers premium dog and cat food made with high-quality ingredients. They are passionate about providing pets with the nutrients they need to live healthy and happy lives.







Challenges and goals:

Our goal was to create a website that would showcase their products and services in a clear and informative way, while also being easy to use and navigate. We also wanted to make sure that their website was optimized for search engines so that potential customers could find them easily.

Our Solution

UI/UX Design

We created a user-friendly and visually appealing Shopify website for CoolPet, showcasing their products and services in a clear and informative way.

On-Page SEO Optimisation

We optimized the website for search engines using a variety of techniques, including SEO keyword research, on-page Optimisation, and link building.

SEO Copywriting

We created and implemented a SEO Copywriting strategy for CoolPet.

Digital Marketing Strategy

We developed and implemented a Digital Marketing Strategy.

Impact & Results:

Since launching the new website and implementing the Our solution outlined above, CoolPet has seen a significant increase in traffic and sales. The website is now ranked on the first page of Google for many of CoolPet’s target keywords. CoolPet has also received more positive feedback from customers about its website and products.

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