Elevating the LFVI Brand and Digital Experience

About Lycée français International de Vientiane (LFVI)

Lycée Français International de Vientiane is a French international school located in Vientiane, Laos. It offers a French education to students from kindergarten to high school.


Lycée français




2022 – 2023

Challenges and goals:

The Lycée Français International de Vientiane wanted to create a new website that would be more user-friendly and informative, and that would better reflect the school’s values and mission. The school also wanted to improve its search engine ranking in order to attract more visitors to the website.

our Solution

UI/UX Design

Intuitive and transparent user interface and experience for credibility and trust.

Brand Identity

Unique, trusted, modern: Experience our transformative education through a cutting-edge website design.

Web Development

Smooth deployment of all new website elements, balancing aesthetic appeal and functional efficiency.

On-Page SEO Optimisation

Improved on-page elements for higher search engine rankings and increased visibility.

Performance & Security

Ensured the website runs smoothly and efficiently.

Impact & Results:

The new website not only enhances user experience and provides comprehensive information but also more accurately reflects the school’s branding, unique selling points, and positioning. With significantly improved loading times, streamlined navigation, and optimised search engine performance.

The reasons why

For Lycee we had to do a comprehensive work to achieve a 360º change in the user experience of the website. From usability to every design detail, we worked on creating a product that is user-friendly and also adapts to the client’s needs to manage the platform.

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