HUBLIBOX: A Portfolio Showcase of Reimagining Storage & Real Estate Solutions


HUBLIBOX isn’t just a storage company; it’s a dynamic enterprise specializing in providing comprehensive storage and real estate solutions. Tasked with a full-scale overhaul, our focus was to redefine their user experience and website interface.






Challenges and goals:

The primary aim was to give HUBLIBOX’s outdated user experience a modern facelift. They required a fully redesigned website that would align with their vision and future growth.

Our Solution

UI/UX Design

Our team revitalized the entire user interface, aiming for a streamlined and engaging experience.

Landing Page Creation

We designed and implemented a landing page for their pre-opening self-storage campaign.


Under the umbrella of Hubli & Partner, we shaped the visual identity for both their Real Estate and Self Storage sectors.

Impact & Results:

Our strategic interventions led to a drastic improvement in the user experience, characterized by a visually compelling and functional design. Our specially crafted landing page played a significant role in the successful launch of their pre-opening campaign, confirming that a thoughtful design can, indeed, drive real-world results.

Color Palette

Colour is as important as symbols, it is key to creating identity and makes the brand unique. For HUBLI, we did a palette with two very special colours, yellow and green. Combined or used individually, they give the brand a strong presence.

The reasons why

With HUBLI the challenge was twofold. On one hand, to maintain the characteristics of an already defined brand identity, and on the other hand, to create a concept that makes the logo transmit the service provided. For this reason we worked with a simple but effective line, building not only the logo but also the corporate identity so that the message is transmitted in every communication of the company.

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