POINT S Rhodes: Multilingual Travel Registration Websites

About Point S

POINT S is an international brand offering expertise in the tyre and car maintenance service business.




France / Worldwide


2020 / 2021

Challenges and goals:

The project’s challenge was creating a custom, user-friendly website supporting 19 languages, incorporating complex computing algorithms, registration processes, back-office management, and efficient database management, all within a record timeframe of 3 months.

our Solution

UI/UX design

Crafting a user-friendly website for travel registration to facilitate seamless POS user registration.

Web development

Comprehensive front-end and back-end development emphasizing security and language translation.

Impact & Results:

The New Challenge website was deployed swiftly, meeting all the objectives set by our client, Point S.

The reasons why

In this project we enhanced the brand identity by working in detail on each section, ensuring not only that the design is uniform and attractive, but also that it meets the demands of the user experience.

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